K’s joyful, confident boudoir portraits
K’s session was years and years in the making! She knew someone who did a boudoir session with me years ago, and had been following me for a long time, thinking, “Someday, I might do a session!” Then she recently got engaged, and for her that was the perfect motivation to finally make a boudoir session happen!
While K was so excited to gift these portraits to her future spouts, she realized while preparing for the photoshoot that she was most excited to do this session for herself.
This is something I hear from people over and over again, which I love! While the majority of my clients do their boudoir session completely for themselves, I also work with some folks every season who initially reach out hoping to do a boudoir session as a romantic gift to their partner. Every single time, those clients end up sharing that their boudoir session came to be meaningful for themselves first and foremost, with more of a ‘bonus’ of getting to share those pictures with their partner if they want to.
K is someone who really cares about other people, both personally and professionally! She works super hard to advocate and care for others, and so as we talked about her boudoir session day, it felt super special to know that she was taking some intentional time to turn that inwards and do something really special for herself.
Her boudoir session vision: lighthearted, happy, and grounded
K wanted her pictures to convey a sense of joy - she wanted them to feel lighthearted and playful and happy, and she wanted to balance in some moments that would also feel more grounded or serious as well. She is choosing to keep many of her pictures private, but is comfortable sharing some anonymous images from her session which you’ll see in this blog post. Even though you can’t see her face and expressions in these images, I still think that her sense of joy and confidence really comes through in these portraits!
K’s boudoir outfits: vibrant colors and effortless neutrals
She brought in some really beautiful outfits for her session! K found a striking purple bodysuit, and she loved the rich vibrant color that it brought into her images! She also wore a navy blue set with a cool high neckline and a lot of lace detailing, and she found a really beautiful black set with some floral details and romantic black lace. She was also excited to do some implied nude and fine-art nude portraits at the end of her session.
I think the two above pictures feel so romantic! Y’all know I love a beautiful neutral color, and this black lace feels so elegant and romantic and lovely!
I think that this picture has such a beautiful sense of elegance and calm to it; I always love an implied nude wrapped-in-a-sheet moment, and I think that this feels so grounded and peaceful and joyful all at the same time.
I love how the light is hitting her collarbones, I love how you can see her engagement ring, and I love her calm smile.
This picture has such a beautiful energy - I love the light coming in from the window and how it hits her hair and back. Even though you can’t see her face in this picture, I think this image really conveys that sense of confidence and joy K wanted to capture in her portraits.
K, I am so grateful for you!!! It was wonderful to work with you to create these beautiful portraits - I loved your creative ideas, the energy you brought into the studio, and the stunning album that we created together. You are an amazing human and I’m so grateful that our paths crossed!